there is no average height of an Indian it is like saying what is an average height of a white or black person there is not an answer
The average height of a lorry is 4.95 meters which works out to be about 16 feet. There is no limit to the height a lorry can be but 4.95 feet is the recommended maximum.
people measure the average height of people. there is probably an average one step stair height.
Not enough information - or in other words, there are infinitely many solutions.Choose any height for the same person. Let's assume this height is greater than the average. Calculate the difference between this height and the average, then subtract that from the average to get the second person's height.
height=20.2 cmwidth=needs info
Almost two meters, on average.
In India the average height of women is about 4'11" -5'3"if height is mentioned correctly.
about 5ft 5inches
The average height of an Indian male is around 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm). However, this can vary depending on factors such as region, genetics, and diet.
About 5'1-5'2
The average height of the Himadri ranges in the Indian Himalayas is around 6,000 meters, with some peaks reaching over 8,000 meters.
According to the latest statistics:In the USA, the average height of a male (of all ethnicities) is 5'9.3".In Canada, the average height of a male is 5 feet, 8.5 inches.There is no listing for Mexico.
On average 5-6 feet, depending on if he has had his growth spurt yet.
I am an Indian and I can safely say that the average height of Indian men is 5'7". The average height of Indian women is 5'1". Now even before you fellow Indians disagree with me on this issue,let me assure you that its really a fact. The reason we Indians are not as tall is because of the humid climate and the unpredictable weather here.Its not our fault or due to a diet deficiency.Its because to survive in this kind of climate we need only that much height.Also its nature's way of regulating supply of resources.Think of it, had our average height been 6 feet,there would be grave shortage of resources given our mighty population strength. And most of you might have heard of European people being much taller.For eg.The average height of males in Sweden is 6'feet and for women its 5'9.This is because those areas are dominated by snow and ice in most of the places.So their body structure needs to be such that they can survive there in those tough conditions with temperatures around -10 degree celsius.There bodies are capable of generating more heat and are resistant to cold. So shortage in height is nothing to be ashamed of.Its just a tropical phenomenon and nature's way of facilitating survival according to conditions. Edit: The above answerer is such an idiot, smaller height helps transfer the heat better not the other way round and the average height for an Indian man should be 5'5" and 5 foot for females.
When it comes to an average Indian's weight, it depends on several factors. Height is also a big factor when it comes to weight. For example, someone who is 5'8 should weigh around 160 for a male