The hourly rate varies between $150 - $250 per hourThis of course is for a Master licensed plumber not a journeyman
The Average runs about $63 an hour starting out
The hourly rate is $15.38. $32,000 / 2080 = $15.38.
40 (hours)*x (hourly rate) = $680 (isolate the variable X) x (hourly rate) = $680/ 40 (hours) x = $17/hr
Multiplying rate by 1 and a half.
What is the average hourly rate for a landscape contractor-Licensed and insured
Depends where he is and who he works for.
$20 per hour.
The average hourly rate depends on the experience of the electrician, but averages between $20.00 all the way up to $85.00
The average hourly rate for a licensed clinical social worker can vary depending on location, experience, and services provided. On average, hourly rates may range from $50 to $150 per hour.
The average hourly rate for a licensed electrician in Ireland ranges from €40 to €70, depending on the location and level of experience. Rates may vary based on the type of work and whether it is a weekday or weekend.
Call an electrician and ask. Come on!
The average hourly pay rate for an LPN in Louisville, Kentucky is $17.38. In the United States overall, the average annual income of a licensed practical nurse is $41,540.
$27-$35 per hour
The average hourly rate is around 35 dollars an hour. Electricians that are very experienced, can make even more money.
45.00 per hour up to 100.00 per hour
What is the hourly rate for mechanical engineer