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1.5-2.5 Hz

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Q: What is the average human walking frequency?
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What is the average speed of a human power-walking?

The average speed of a human power-walking is typically around 4-5 miles per hour (6.4-8 km/h). This pace is faster than regular walking but not as fast as jogging or running.

Average human walking distance a day?

About 20 miles a day I believe.

The highest frequency sound human ears can usually hear is about?

The average human can hear frequencies of up to 20,000 Hertz.

What is frequency of human talk?

The average speaking rate for human adults is around 150 words per minute, but it can vary depending on the individual and the language being spoken. Communication style, emotion, and context can also influence the frequency of human talk.

What is the frequency of the human heart?

At resting state, it can average around 60 - 73 beats per minute.

Whai is the frequency of swing hand while walking?

The frequency of the swing hand while walking will depend with the intensity and time that the hand is being swung.

Average human walking pace in feet per second?

The average walking pace in feet per second for humans is about 4 feet. Some may walk faster or slower, and may have a longer or shorter stride.

How long does it take to walk 92 km?

About 10 hours at the average human walking speed of 9km/h

How long does it take to walk 750 meters?

About five minutes at the average human walking speed of 9km/h

How long will it take you to walk 0.3 km?

About 2 minutes at the average human walking speed of 9km/h

Mph of a average human?

The average walking speed of a human is around 3-4 miles per hour. However, running speed can vary widely depending on factors like age, fitness level, and terrain. The average running speed for a human ranges from 6-8 miles per hour.

What is the average walking speed of a donkey?

A donkey may be able to run as fast as a horse, however, it's walking speed is around 4 miles per hour, similar to that of a human.