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10.135/10 = 1.0135 grams.

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Q: What is the average mass of a paper clip if ten paper clips was found to be 10.135g?
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Related questions

How many paper clips make a ounce?

It depends on the size and weight of the paper clips, but on average, approximately 60-70 standard-sized paper clips make an ounce.

How many paperclips in a kilogram?

On average, there are about 150 paper clips in a gram. Therefore, in a kilogram, there would be around 150,000 paper clips.

How many paper clips can you hang from a paper clip?

The number of paper clips you can hang from a single paper clip will depend on the strength of the paper clip and the weight of the paper clips being hung. On average, you may be able to hang 5-10 paper clips before the weight causes the paper clip to bend or break.

How many paper clips are in 1 ounce?

On average, there are approximately 28-30 standard-sized paper clips in 1 ounce. However, the actual number can vary slightly depending on the size and thickness of the paper clips.

Does 5 thousand paper clips weigh 5 thousand grams?

No, paper clips are typically very light. It would take approximately 5,000 standard paper clips to weigh about 500 grams, not 5,000 grams.

How much does 2 paper clips weigh?


How much does 100 paper clips weigh?

100 small paper clips weigh 100 grams.

Does a cat weigh more than 150 paper clips?

Cats weigh around 8-10 pounds on average. So yes, they weigh more than 150 paper clips.

Do magnets attract paper clips?

Yes, magnets attract paper clips because paper clips are made of a magnetic material like iron. The magnetic field produced by the magnet causes the paper clips to be attracted to it.

How many paper clips are in 1 mole of paper clips?

It is not possible to give an exact number of paper clips in 1 mole since mole is a unit used for counting atoms or molecules, not larger objects like paper clips. However, 1 mole of paper clips would contain Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) of individual paper clips.

When was Paper Clips Project created?

Paper Clips Project was created in 2004.

What would be heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of paper clips?

paper clips