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Q: What is the average monthly electric bill for 1700 sq ft house in rosevilleca?
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What is the average monthly house payments?

That is one heck of a good question, what is the average monthly house payment, visit this website and you well get the answers that you want. No I am just kidding, the average monthly house payment would her $900. It all depends on what kind of house you want to buy. A big house it would be more, a little house it would be less.

What is the average cost for heat in house monthly?

3445687 dollars

What would the average monthly payments be on a house that is 79000?

The average monthly payments on a 79,000 dollar house will depend on the interest rate you have and how much money you have put down. It will probably average around 500 dollars a month.

What is an average electricity bill monthly in US?

It depneds on the type of house, but the average is about $70 to $80.

What is the average monthly rent in the us in 2002?

It depend on house. If house is big then rent will be more, if house is small then rent will be less.

What is the average monthly rent payment for a three bedroom house?

8590 dollars. maybe

How To Reduce Your Average Monthly Electric Bill?

A space heater may seem like a good way to save money on gas if you do not want to have the heat up as high in your house, but you will need to see how it impacts your electricity bill. Many times these are the things that drive electric bills up to surprising levels. They use a lot of power to create all of that heat. If you want to reduce your average monthly electric bill, you will need to find out how much you are saving on gas. If it is less than you are spending in electricity, turn the heater off.

What is an average monthly electric bill us?

For a family, the average is anywhere from 50-100 dollars a month, though it varies greatly.It wholly depends on the usage. no body can define a monthly amount.The answer to this question is dependent upon where you live in the country. The utility company sets the price in cents per kilowatt per hour of use. That tariff is based on how the power is produced. Coal fired boiler, hydro electric, nuclear are some of the ways that the power is produced.

How much does the average house cost in china?

About 200,000 electric drills