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The average individual will move 11.7 times in their lifetime. They will own an average of 5 houses. They will not own every place they live in.

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Q: What is the average number of houses owned in a lifetime?
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How are resources divided?

these r divided in to following groups: individual groups: these are owned by the individuals examples are houses ,land owned by a person village or a city

What percent owned fewer than 20 slaves?

As for the number of slaves owned by each master, 88% held fewer than 20

What was the average number of slaves owned by a single person or owner in 1860?

An "average number" of slaves would not be a good way to describe who owned slaves in the south because the majority did not own them. According to most reliable references, no more than 22% or fewer of the southern population owned slaves. The cost of one slave was around $50,000 to $80,000 in twenty first century dollars. The most wealthy 1 percent or so of southerners (like Thomas Jefferson or George Washington) owned around 100 to 200 slaves at any one time. Only about 2000 plantation owners owned the bulk of the slaves. About 17 percent or so of the population owned from 3 to 10 slaves, while around 4% owned one or two slaves. A person had to be very wealthy to own one slave. Owning one slave would be like owning a high end Mercedes or small vacation home today as far as costs are concerned. At least 77 percent of southerners never owned slaves and were either too poor to even think about it, or considered slavery very bad.

What are estimated assets?

An estimate is an approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something. Assets are property owned by a person or company, regarded as having value and available to meet debts, commitments, or legacies.

Is a fence always on the property line?

The centre of the fence posts are in line with the boundary. So the fence attached to the post may be on either side of the boundary line, depending on who owned the fence (especially important if dividing two gardens of semi-detached houses, where one owner may be responsible for the upkeep of the dividing fence - often shown in the deeds).

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Number of cars owned over a lifetime?

At one time, the average driver owned 12 cars over the course of a lifetime. The number is now 9 cars. The biggest reason for the change is attributed to multiple economic recessions.

How do you make frogs lifetime frogs on pocket frogs?

Lifetime Frogs refers to the number of frogs you have ever owned during your game time. So get lots of froggies! :)

Who owned houses in the middle ages?

Members of the nobility owned the houses on their manors. The landed gentry was sometimes regarded as of the nobility, and sometimes not, but they owned land and the houses on it. There were a lot of small land holders who owned their own land, they are referred to as yeomen. In towns and cities, a lot of the housing was owned by landlords, who are probably best described as middle class. The Church owned a lot of land and the houses on it. Serfs and tenants, of course, did not own their houses.

Who owns Lifetime Brands Company?

Publicly owned.

Who owns the knight houses?

All of the land was owned by the king, who believed he be owned by the lord. So in your case, the answer is the king. Your welcome! :)

What is the formula for Average age of plant?

Accumulated depreciation divided by the current year's depreciation expense indicates the average number of years an organization has owned its plant.

How many homes have Jon and kate owned?

they have had three houses so far.

What were ancient houses owned by wealthy Egyptians called?

a wealthy Egyptians home

What was the wealth measured by in Ireland?

by the number of cattle owned

What do Italians live in?

In larger cites, Italians favor living in apartments. Apartments are owned or rented. They live in houses in the country. They live in farm houses and city houses as well.

What did judy garlands parents do for a job?

Her father Frank owned a number of Movie Houses over the years. Her mother played the piano along with the silents that were shown. Before they did this they had a vaudeville act.

Definition of investment houses?

Investment houses are houses that are owned by an individual or a business, but are meant for earning rental income. The owners do not live in them because they prefer occupants who will pay up the rent.