Population density, the definition is the average number of people in one unit, but unit is commonly one square mile.
Literacy rate.
Sum of ages divided by the number of people or things whose ages you are trying to average.
average income of a country = total income of the country÷ population of the country
Per capita.
Find a world atlas and pick a year. There is an average mortality age for each country. Add all the ages and divide by the number of countries present. Pick from every country or region.
The average number of people per square mile is a measure of population density. It refers to the average number of individuals living within one square mile of a particular area, providing insight into how crowded or sparse a population is in that area.
Finding the average number of year someone live in a country.
finding the average number of year someone live in a country.
The average number of people or things in an area can vary based on the size and population density of the area. It is calculated by dividing the total number of people or things by the area's size. Population density is often used to determine this average in areas with people.
Percentage of the average that does what. If you are talking grades, the Number of people scoring the average score divided by the total number of people in the class x 100 = % of students scoring the average.
Luxembourg has the highest number of people per car in Europe, with an average of about 1.6 persons per car. This is due to the small size of the country and its high population density.
An example of population density is the number of people living in a specific area, such as the average number of individuals per square mile in a city or the number of residents per square kilometer in a country.
The total amount of wages received by a country corrected by inflation. Is basically the average monthly wage multiplied by the number of people in the labor force.
The average office size in the UK is 12.7 people.