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Q: What is the average number of sexual partners for a girl in her 20s?
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What is the average number of sexual partners over a lifetime for male and female?

On average, males tend to report a higher number of sexual partners over a lifetime compared to females. Estimates vary, but research suggests that men may have around 12-15 sexual partners, while women may have around 7-10 partners over their lifetime. It's important to note that these numbers can vary widely between individuals.

Your girl wont admit to multiple sexual partners is this ok?

If she really has them, she's not your girl & is not ok unless you say so. You need to discuss wether or not you are serious enough to be monogomous.

How do you get a threesome with girls?

If a guy or girl wishes to have a threesome, all they have to do is look for sexual partners that have very low self esteem, and that really needs is desperate for love or sex. The unsafe way is to buy the sexual favors from prostitutes.

Does sex feel good when you do it with a sexy girl?

Sexual pleasure can be influenced by a variety of factors beyond physical attractiveness, such as emotional connection, comfort, communication, and compatibility. Attraction and desire are important components of sexual experiences, but alone they do not guarantee satisfaction. It's essential for both partners to communicate and connect on different levels for a fulfilling sexual experience.

Is coach gills from my gym partners a monkey a girl or a boy?

she a girl she one of those strong girl coaches

What does it means when a girl and guy come at the same time?

When a girl and a guy come at the same time, it typically refers to reaching orgasm simultaneously during sexual activity. This can indicate a strong emotional and physical connection between the partners, leading to a satisfying and intimate experience for both.

Girl cheating on another girl with a man?

A cheating bi-sexual.

What is a ring hard girl?

its a girl who gives hard sexual activity

How many guys can a girl satisfy in one night?

The number of people a person can satisfy in one night varies and is subjective to individual preferences and boundaries. It is important to prioritize consent, respect, and communication in any intimate encounter.

If a girl was very sexual in her teens and 20s and is now married for almost 5 years and really not interested in sex how can she re-spark her desire?

You could try a number of sexual manouvers to spark that lost randyness.

At what age is the average girl penetrated?

It is inappropriate to make generalizations about such personal and intimate experiences. Consent and readiness are crucial factors when it comes to any type of sexual activity.

What are the release dates for The Bad Girl's Guide - 2005 The Guide to Switching Partners 1-2?

The Bad Girl's Guide - 2005 The Guide to Switching Partners 1-2 was released on: USA: 31 May 2005