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Q: What is the average number of workdays missed?
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How much do you make if you make 30.00 per hour 40hours a week?

$30 x 8 (hours a day) x 260 days (average number of workdays) = $62,400

Is 87 average good for a school kid?

Depends on how many were possible. It is a B or B+. That is the grade and not the average. A average is reached by adding up all the grade and then dividing by the number possible, the number of 87 would be the number AFTER the number missed was subtracted from the total possible.

Comsec CCI equipment direct shipment from a vendor to organization will be reported to EAO within how many workdays?

10 workdays

Documentation for equipment assets received from sources other than LRS is forward to EAO within how many workdays?

5 workdays

What is correct formula to calculate DART rates?

The formula to calculate DART rate is [(Number of recordable injuries + number of lost workdays cases) x 200,000] / Total hours worked by all employees. This formula helps in determining the rate of injuries and illnesses that result in missed work days.

What does adults usually think about in the workdays?

Their weekends.

How many workdays in a typical month?

about 23

What was a result a shorter workweeks and workdays?

leisure activities

What was result of shorter workweeks and workdays?

Leisure activities

What was a result of shorter workdays and if you were hours at work?

Leisure activities.

What number of syllables does missed have?

The word missed has only one syllable. It is pronounced with a single stress point.

What was a result of fewer workdays and fewer hours at work?

Leisure activities.