33/49 in a percentage is 67.34. For example, if you get 33/49 on a test, you would have a 67.3%.
49- 16 = 33. 49is 7 squared, and 16 is 4 squared.
33/49 in a percentage is 67.34. For example, if you get 33/49 on a test, you would have a 67.3%.
49 is not a factor of 33. 33 can't be divided by 49 to equal a whole number, so therefore they aren't factors.
1, 3, 11, 33 1, 7, 49
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 33 and 49 is 1,617.
49- 16 = 33. 49is 7 squared, and 16 is 4 squared.
A flight from Ireland to France would cost about 33 euros or $49.
The Knicks finished with a record of 33 and 49 in 2006 (33 Wins 49 Losses).
33/81 simplified is 11/27........ 49/105 simplified is 7/15!!!!!!!!!!!!
Average resting heart rate for a 33 year old should be somewhere between 71 and 74 bpm. This will be lower the more fit you are, e.g. for a 33 year old elite athlete you could expect a resting heart rate between 49 and 54 bpm.