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Arithmetic mean. Sometimes, it is shortened to "mean" but I feel this is somewhat ambiguous since there are also geometric means and harmonic means.

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Q: What is the average of a set of numbers called?
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The average of a set of numbers is called the?

It is most likely to be the arithmetic mean.

What is the average of a set of numbers and is found by dividing the sum of a set of numbers by the amount of numbers in the set?

It is the arithmetic average or mean.

The number found by dividing the sum of the set of numbers by the number of addends?

This is called the average, or the arithmetic mean, of the numbers.

What is deviation in statistics?

Deviation, actually called "standard deviation" is, in a set of numbers, the average distance a number in that set is away from the mean, or average, number.

What does find the average mean in math?

The average of a set of numbers is the sum of the numbers in the set divided by the number of elements in the set.

Average of numbers?

To find the average of a given set of numbers, total the numbers and divide that total by the number of members of the set.

What is a set of numbers to find the sum of the numbers and then divide by the number in the set?

It is the mean average

What is The set of numbers consisting of the counting numbers and zero?

This set of numbers is called "Whole Numbers".

What is a mean of a set of numbers?


What is the mean of the set of numbers?

The average.

What is the set of numbers including all irrational and rational numbers?

real numbers

How do you find the missing number in a set of numbers where the average is given?

The average of a set of numbers is defined as the sum of those numbers divided by the number of numbers. If the average is given, multiply that by number of items in the set including the missing number. Subtract the sum of given numbers from this quotient and the missing number is revealed.