Around $65-70 ( may be more depending on specific area). Does not include lot.
My realator told me the average price in Hertford, NC is $100/sqft.
how to calculate average selling price
The price of Cloud 9 Carpet Underlay depends on the thickness that is required. The average price per square metre of the 7mm is å£1.86, whereas the 10mm thick underlay is approximately å£2.98.
The average cost per mile doesn't care about where you're driving, it's only concerned with the gas mileage of the vehicle, and price per gallon of the fuel. Figure out your gas mileage, check the fuel prices, do the math, and you're done. gas price/MPG=cost per mile
The average price of real estate in Lexington Kentucky is actually quite high in comparison to other locations. The average price per square foot is $108.
There are a variety of homes for sale in Lexington, Kentucky. The typical price for homes for sale in Lexington, Kentucky is $150,000. There are also homes available for much more and less than that price.
The land of Kentucky has different variables in price. The average price per acre of land in Burnside Kentucky is between $3000 and $5000 dollars.
The average price of a 50 square meters home in Tulsa Oklahoma is $2,185.07 per square meter, within the city limits. The average price of a 50 square meter home outside the city limits is $1,315.58 per square meter.
The average price listing for homes in Savanna is $332,618 and the average median sales price is $155,000. The average home price per square foot is $97.
The average ticket price for a college basketball game is $40. Some tickets are hard to get, especially University of Kentucky ones.
As of September 2021, the average price of propane in Kentucky is around $2.50 per gallon. Prices can vary based on location, supplier, and market conditions, so it's best to check with local providers for the most current rates.
The average price per square foot for a warehouse in New Jersey is about $6.08. This means a 200,000 square foot warehouse would cost about $1,216,000.
The average retail price per square inch $10.
The average price for sealing pavers varies by contractor. The average price as of 2014 is 1.50 and 2.50 per square foot.
It would seem that the average price per square foot for homes in Raleigh is $115. The average total price for a house there is between $175,000 and $239,391.