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Q: What is the average run length of a stair?
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What is stair run?

Stair run is the length of the opening and the height of the opening

How to figure the length of a stair stringer?

To determine the length of a stair stringer, you can use the Pythagorean theorem. Measure the total rise and total run of the stairs, then calculate the square root of (rise squared run squared) to find the length of the stringer.

What is the recommended average stair rise and run for optimal safety and comfort in a residential staircase design?

The recommended average stair rise is 7 inches and the run is 11 inches for optimal safety and comfort in a residential staircase design.

How do you use a framing square to lay out a stair?

You use the two scale's,leg's, of the square to layout the rise and run of your stair's. Rise = the height of each step example 7.5". Run = the length of each step example 12".

How do you figure out the measurements for stair stringers?

To figure out the measurements for stair stringers, you need to calculate the total rise and total run of the stairs. Then, you can use a mathematical formula or an online calculator to determine the length and angle of the stringers needed for your stairs.

How do you calculate stair stringers for a staircase?

To calculate stair stringers for a staircase, you need to determine the total rise and total run of the staircase. Then, you can use a mathematical formula or an online calculator to find the length and angle of the stair stringers. This will help you cut the stringers accurately to ensure a safe and stable staircase.

What is the weight capacity of the average stair lift?

The weight capacity of a stair lift varies for each stair lift. Average capacity is between 250-300 pounds.

What is the average stair height in residential buildings?

The average stair height in residential buildings is typically around 7 inches.

What is the length of a stair case?

it depends on how many steps there are.

What is the formula for calculating the slope of a staircase, incorporating the measurements of the stair rise and run?

The formula for calculating the slope of a staircase is: slope rise / run. This means you divide the height of the stair rise by the depth of the stair run to determine the slope of the staircase.

What is the standard stair rise and run measurement for residential buildings?

The standard stair rise is typically around 7 inches, and the standard stair run is usually around 11 inches for residential buildings.

Does anyone know that the legal requirement is for each stair on a stair case the length needed is the bit you stand on thank you?

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