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School desk vary greatly in size: from school to school and from country to country. When at school we had triple and double desks, other schools had mainly singles.

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Q: What is the average size of a school desk?
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how big is the school desk long wise ?

The average size of a school desk is thirty seven by fifty centimeters so a typical desktop computer should fit on a desk of this average size. It may not leave much room for a keyboard or mouse, but it will fit the monitor.

What is the average size of a desk?

The average computer desk is 24 inches wide, 30 inches high and 24 inches deep.

Is the average size of a school desk about 30 millimeters?

Well, first of all, every school desk ... and every other solid object ... has three sizes: its length, its width, and its height. In the case of a school desk, none of these is likely to be about 30 millimeters. That's only a little more than 1 inch ... about as long as the end of your thumb. I don't think 30 centimeters is reasonable either. That's only about 1 foot ... about the length of a size-12 shoe. 30 meters doesn't work either. That's roughly 98 feet ... more than your house probably is, long, wide, or high.

How much is the average cost of a desk clip on fan?

Desk clip on fans can vary in price defending on the size of the fan and the manufacturer. Average desk clip on fans generally cost about 17 to 20 dollars.

How much does a typical school desk weigh in pounds?

A typical school desk weighs approximately 15-30 pounds, depending on the size and materials used in its construction.

What is the average price of a Bush I shaped computer desk?

The average price of a Bush L shaped computer desk is between $320 and $500, depending upon material (wood, finish, etc.), the size of the desk, and other additions such as drawers.

How much dose a desk weigh?

The weight of a desk can vary depending on the size, material, and design. On average, a typical desk can weigh anywhere from 50 to 150 pounds.

What is the average price of a fluorescent desk lamp?

The average price of a fluorescent desk lamp is about $30. You can buy a fluorescent lamp for as much as $55, or as little as $17. It depends on the brand size of bulbs used in the lamp.

What size is a student school desk?

An school desk can approximately hold four 8 x 11" sheets of paper without overlapping. If you want the exact measurements, asking the question in a searchbar is always a great and fast alternative.

Around the corner there is a tree under the tree there is a school In the school there is a desk Behind the desk there is a bell Behind the dsk is a teacher What is her name?

Around the corner there is tree under the tree there is a school in the school there is a desk behind the desk there is a bell behind the desk is a teacher what is her name

What is the Weight of a school desk?

Oh, dude, a school desk typically weighs around 50-70 pounds, depending on the materials used. But like, who really cares about the weight of a school desk, right? As long as it holds your textbooks and doesn't collapse under the weight of your procrastination, it's all good.

What are the Measurements of a school desk?

It depends on which school desk. But mostly, it is measured in meters or centimeters.