About 10 minutes at average walking speed of 9km/h
The time it takes to walk 8.1 km depends on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walks at a speed of about 5 km/h, so it would take approximately 1.62 hours to walk 8.1 km at this pace. To calculate the time more precisely, divide the distance by the walking speed: 8.1 km / 5 km/h = 1.62 hours.
18.75 km / hr.
You divide the distance by the time. If the time is in seconds, the average speed will be in meters/second. Multiply this by 3.6 if you want to have it in km/hour.
The average speed is 110 km per hour.
Race distance / Race time = average speed i.e.: 300 km / 2 hours = 150 kph average.
4 km/hour
about 6-7 km/hour
It depends on the breed.
The average walking speed is about 5 km/h or 3.1 mph. The typical speed range is from 4.5 km/h (or 2.8 mph) to 5.4 km/h (or 3.35 mph) which makes 3.1 a reasonable average.
About 10 minutes at average walking speed of 9km/h
Average speed of 16.13409 mph. ( 25.9653 km/ph ).
On average, a person's walking speed is around 5 kilometers per hour (km/hr). However, this can vary depending on factors such as age, fitness level, and terrain. Some individuals may walk slower at around 3-4 km/hr while others can walk faster at up to 6 km/hr or more.
The time it takes to walk 8.1 km depends on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walks at a speed of about 5 km/h, so it would take approximately 1.62 hours to walk 8.1 km at this pace. To calculate the time more precisely, divide the distance by the walking speed: 8.1 km / 5 km/h = 1.62 hours.
18.75 km / hr.
The average speed of a human power-walking is typically around 4-5 miles per hour (6.4-8 km/h). This pace is faster than regular walking but not as fast as jogging or running.
the average human walks about 5 km per hour going uphill aproximately 3 km per hour depending on the angle of which you are walking