

Best Answer

Average speed = 10 meters per 2 seconds.

Other ways of stating it:

-- 5 meters per second

-- 18 kilometers per hour

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Q: What is the average speed for someone who walks 10 m in 2 seconds?
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2 miles an hour

What is the average speed if someone walks 2km in 30 minutes?

The average speed is exactly 2 km per 30 minutes. In more popular units, it's 4 km per hour.

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Assuming the average person walks about 5 km per hour, then it would take roughly 6-7 hours to walk 30 km. Of course, that assumes no breaks or deviations from the path. Someone who is very fit could cover the ground faster.

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Speed = distance / time = 55 / 28 = 1.96 m/s (correct to 3 significant figures)

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1.6 minutes 1 minute, 36 seconds

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Velocity (or Speed) = Distance ÷ Time Toni's speed is therefore 100 ÷ 20 = 5 feet per second. Distance = Velocity x Time In 25 seconds, Toni walks, 5 x 25 = 125 feet.

Does smell affect the speed someone walks?

I think so. If they smell dinner cooking they would walk faster to get it.

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Total distance is 1.4 km = 1400 m, total time is 20.2 minutes = 1212 seconds. Average speed = 1.155 m/s. Or is this a catch question to see if you understand the difference between speed and velocity? Velocity has a direction as well as a speed, this is called a vector quantity, and since you come back to the starting point, the average velocity is in fact zero. Note that I originally said speed is 1.155 m/s, not velocity.

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Their average speed is the same, 5km/hour. Velocity takes both speed and direction into account. Hence Mia's average velocity was 5km/hour North, and Luisa's was 5km/hour South. Assuming they were in the same general region on Earth, this means their average velocities wee in opposite directions, but equal in magnitude.

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