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Depends on how long each of the speeds has been maintained - over the same distance, the same time, or neither.

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Q: What is the average speed of 45 kph and 36 kph?
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Can a kangaroo run faster than an emu?

The average top speed of the Australian Emu is 50km an hour, or 31 mph, but they have actually been clocked at 75kph. Average cruising speed is between 30 and 45 kph. Kangaroos can reach speeds of up to 70 kph, or 44mph, for short bursts. Their average hopping speed is around 19 kph, or 12 mph.

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How fast can a emu can run on land in kilometres per hour?

The average top speed of the Australian Emu is 50km an hour, or 31 mph, but it is believed that they have actually been clocked at 75kph. Average cruising speed is around 45 kph.

Would a kangaroo beat an emu in 100m?

Probably, if it was in a straight line. The average top speed of the Australian Emu is 50km an hour, or 31 mph, but they have actually been clocked at 75kph. Average cruising speed is between 30 and 45 kph. Kangaroos can reach speeds of up to 70 kph, or 44mph, for short bursts. Their average hopping speed is around 19 kph, or 12 mph. The difference is that emus are capable of making 180 degree turns suddenly, which the kangaroo cannot do.

How long does it take to drive 83.7 miles?

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If you type 45 wpm how many kph is that in data entry?

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25 kph equals mph?

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