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It's 25 miles per half-hour, and it's also 50 miles per hour.

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Q: What is the average speed of a car that travels 25 miles in one half hour?
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Just divide distance by time to get speed.30 miles / 1.5 hrs = 20 MPH

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Average speed is distance over time, so (25 + 35)/(.5 + 1.5) = 60/2 = 30 km/hr

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50mph x 3.5 hours = 175 miles.

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40 km per hour. 20 x 2 because that is in a half hour.

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one and a half times 20, ie 30 miles

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7.5 miles per hour.

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Shayla's speed for the last half-mile was approximately 0.002 miles per second.