About 8 minutes 40 seconds at the average human walking speed of 9km/h
8 kph
The time it takes to walk 850 meters depends on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walking at a moderate pace of about 5 kilometers per hour would cover 850 meters in approximately 10 minutes. However, if the person is walking faster, say at a pace of 6 kilometers per hour, they would cover the distance in around 8.5 minutes. It's important to consider the walking speed to calculate the time accurately.
The average speed of boat in kilometers is per hour is 20 km /hr.
About 10 minutes at average walking speed of 9km/h
About 8 minutes 40 seconds at the average human walking speed of 9km/h
About 5 minutes at the average human walking speed of 9km/h
-- negative average acceleration -- fatigue
8 kph
The average walking speed of a kid is around 3-4 kilometers per hour, depending on factors such as age, physical development, and individual differences.
60 kph
The time it takes to walk 850 meters depends on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walking at a moderate pace of about 5 kilometers per hour would cover 850 meters in approximately 10 minutes. However, if the person is walking faster, say at a pace of 6 kilometers per hour, they would cover the distance in around 8.5 minutes. It's important to consider the walking speed to calculate the time accurately.
Its speed is 120 kilometers per hour.
The average speed of boat in kilometers is per hour is 20 km /hr.
3km/12min = 0.25km/min
14.4 km per hours
About 10 minutes at average walking speed of 9km/h