Based on the Land Transportation Office the average daily mileage of a Filipino vehicle is around 32 miles or 51.499008 kilometers and in the average yearly basis of a filipino vehicle is around 11, 680 miles or 18,797.138 kilometers
Shirley...! If they all weigh the same their average is the weight of any one of them...
average.. is about 100.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average weight for an adult male in the United States is 189.8 pounds.
The average weight of a nine year old is about 65 pounds.
The average birth weight of a Filipino newborn is 6 to 6.6 pounds (2.8 to 3 kg).
Approximately 148 pounds, given the average body type and structure.
Why do you even want to know this?! There is no average weight of all of them. They aren't all the same weight, it's just like all other countries, some are fat, some are thin. There is no proper answer for this.
im half filipino but i am 4'11 at the age of 13 years
The average monthly income of a Filipino is about 6,000 Philippine pesos. That is equivalent to about $137 per month in the United States.
22 pounds
10 kilos.
The average lifespan of a Filipino man is around 70 years old. However, this can vary depending on factors such as lifestyle, genetics, and access to healthcare.
What is an average pandas weight
Average weight would be 125 pounds.