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Six is the base. (64)

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Q: What is the base to 6 to the 4th power?
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Base = 18, Power = 4

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6 to the negative 4th power

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2034 = 1,698,181,681

Base and exponent for 6 with power of 5?

Base 6, exponent 5.

What is the 6 in 6 to the second power?

6 is the base number.

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A single power is like:6to the 4th power times 6 to the 4th powerThe answer will be 6 to the 8th power because you add 4+4=8 and since 6=6 it will be 6 to the 8th power.:)

What is the 6 in 6 of 2 power?

6 to the power 2 is 36. The 6 is called the base. The 2 is the power or index. 36 is the basic numeral.

How do you find six to the 4th power?

64 = 6*6*6*6 = 1296

What is 3 as a power and 6 as the exponent of 3 with a base of 9?

3 to power of 6= 216 , 3 to power of 9= 729

How do you convert base 2 to base 10?

Multiply the base by square root of 10 to the 4th power then divide by 2! (factorial) times 10!

What is a to the negative 6th power times a to the 4th power?

( a-6) x (a4) = a(-6+4) = a-2 = 1/a2

What is the exponent in 18 to the 4th power?

The exponent is 4, the base is 18. (184 = 104,976).