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Q: What is the basic condition to construct a graph?
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What are the steps in preparing a graphical representation of experimental data?

construct a graph, label the graph, present the data

You can use a distance versus time graph to analyze the motion of an accelerating object?

The slope at any point is the velocity, so you can construct a graph of that. The slope at any point on that graph is the acceleration. So you can construct a graph of that. The slope at any point on that is the rate of change of acceleration. And so on.

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What is information from and experiment that can be assigned a number or a quantity and can often be used to construct a graph?


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to construct a graph from landmarks is easy u just have to set a number of data and divide it by the squars on the graph.=)

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How do you construct a regular polygon in basic technology?

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What are the basic elements of a graph?

The basic elements of a graph include nodes (vertices) representing points or entities, edges (links, arcs) representing relationships between nodes, and weights (optional) indicating the strength or distance associated with edges. Graphs can be directed or undirected based on the presence or absence of a specified direction for each edge.

Construct a graph corresponding to the linear equation y equals 2x - 6?


What is construction in a math problem?

In a maths problem, "construction" usually means you're required to draw something. e.g "Construct a line from A to B", or "Construct a graph of this function".

How can you recognize a linear function by its graph?

The graph will be that of a straight line with the basic form of y=mx+b.