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Q: What is the basic guideline for estimating amount of fuel needed for a trip?
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the basic difference between policy and guideline is the policy is rules for whole org. and guideline is rule for execution of some work.

What is the relationship between the contractor's cost estimating and cost accounting systems?

An accurate cost accounting system is the basic building block for a good cost estimating system.

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The basic laboratory operations are:Chemistry, Physics, Science ExperimentsCleaning the LaboratoryMeasuring and Estimating Liquid VolumeTransferring LiquidsHeating LiquidsPrecipitationFiltrationDecantationEvaporationWaste Disposal

What are the basic laboratory operation?

The basic laboratory operations are:Chemistry, Physics, Science ExperimentsCleaning the LaboratoryMeasuring and Estimating Liquid VolumeTransferring LiquidsHeating LiquidsPrecipitationFiltrationDecantationEvaporationWaste Disposal

How do you know if you are poor?

The poverty line (a standard showing the basic amount of money needed to live) shows when you are officially 'poor'.

What are the basic guidelines to start computer programming?

The basic guideline in order to start computer programming are: Learn how to create a new line, run a code successfully, display a sentence, learn the basic functions and definitions.

What is the name given to the mininmum amount of energy needed by a person at rest?

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of energy needed by a person at rest to maintain basic bodily functions such as breathing and circulation while at rest.

How can estimating quotients help you place the decimal correctly?

Estimating quotients gives an indication of the order of magnitude of the answer. That is, whether the answer is in units, or tens, or hundreds, thousands and so forth. Basic understanding of the placement of the decimal point should then be a trivial exercise.

How does estimating software improve a business?

Estimating software provides a direct and repeatable way of estimating the cost of projects. It removes the subjective nature of estimates that could vary between different staff. It also speeds up the estimation process by eliminating the math, with employees only having to input the basic mechanical information for the project.

The total amount of energy needed per day for any given age is called what?

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the total amount of energy required per day to maintain basic bodily functions at rest for individuals of a specific age. It represents the minimum amount of energy needed to sustain life.

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Four basic activities of statistics are collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data

Is math needed for the emt basic course in Miami?

Basic math is needed, if you can add or subtract, you should be ok.