It's an indicator for everything. Got an idea? Seen a movie? Heard a song? Introduced change to an organisation? Tell 100 people and test their responses - 5 will love it, 10 will think it has merit, 10 will tell you it can't be done and 5 will hate it.
The Global Bell Curve was created in 2008.
There is no answer to this question. The greater the number of rolls, the closer you get to the bell-curve. But you will never ever actually reach the bell-curve.
The ISBN of The Global Bell Curve is 978-1-59368-028-2.
A bell curve reaches its highest point in the middle and is lower on the sides. It can represent standard deviations from the mean.
it is shaped roughly like a bell... a bell curve.
The Bell Jar has 288 pages.
The Global Bell Curve was created in 2008.
The "bell curve" of anything, with the peak of the curve supposedly at a score of 100.
The Global Bell Curve has 380 pages.
A bell curve is a graph that depicts a large rounded peak tapering away at each end of normal distribution. A bell curve is a mathematical concept with the curve concentrated in the center.
The Bell Curve Debate - book - was created in 1995.
There is no answer to this question. The greater the number of rolls, the closer you get to the bell-curve. But you will never ever actually reach the bell-curve.
The Bell Curve Debate - book - has 720 pages.
The ISBN of The Global Bell Curve is 978-1-59368-028-2.
Take my advice, don't get the bell curve in performance appraisals. It is one of the biggest blunders of the century and needs to stop now. I assume you really are not aware of statistics when you asked that question. The bell curve will do more harm than good in your hand. So leave it and try the 5 point system.
The cast of The Bell Curve - 2009 includes: Emmett Friel as Tom
IMDB rating do generally follow a bell curve, with a mean and standard deviation.