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Q: What is the best description for a graph?
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Best description of a graph?

my teacher is very nice and i can't wait to see her again

What is the description of a circle graph?

its the percentage that it gives you %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

What graph is best for showing percentages?

a circle graph is the best graph to use for that!!

A good description of a line graph?

A graph that displays data by using points joined together by line segments.

What is the best use of a line graph and what is the best use of a bar graph?

a bar graph is best used for comparing amounts, a line graph best represents a steadily increasing value. For example prices of a shirt (line graph), or viscosity of liquids (bar graph).

What is the best graph for numerical information?

The best graph for numerical information will depend on what you want to present. The linear graph, bar and the pie graph are some of the best graphs to present numerical data.

What is a best description of a graph?

A graph is a means to convey information in the form of a diagram rather than words. One of my favourite graphs is Jospeh Minard's chart illustrating various aspects of Napoleon's arch ito Russia.//

Which graph is best for categorical data?

Bar graph

What is the best graph to show changes?

line graph

What is the best graph to represent fractions?

the best graph to use to represent fractions is a pie graph, that is if all the fractions denominators are the same...

What is the best graphic to show quantities?

which of these is best shown on a bar graph?

The title of a graph should be a short description of the data that will be displayed. true or false?

It is true.