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Q: What is the best graph for presenting information?
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Which is easier a linear equation or a graph?

It depends on your preferences (or those of your audience - if you are presenting the information).

What is the best graph for numerical information?

The best graph for numerical information will depend on what you want to present. The linear graph, bar and the pie graph are some of the best graphs to present numerical data.

Information collected by counting can best display on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

Information collected by counting can best be displayed on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

What would be the best graph or chart to use to compare and contrast information?

A bar graph would be the best graph or chart to use to compare and contrast information.

What format for presenting statistics is best for enhancing comprehension and providing adequate information?

The format to present statistics in a graph or chart. This will enhance comprehension and provide adequate information because it gives the audience a visual and the ability to easily compare variables.

What describes a graph?

A graph is best described as a table that communicates information visually.

What are the ways of presenting data?

Chart And Graph... :D

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Which of the following is not a form of presenting data?

What 2 ways of presenting experimental data?

Chart, graph.

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give 2 ways of presenting data

What type of graph is best for comparing information belonging to one graph?

A pie chart graph is best for comparing information belonging to one group. The whole group is represented by the entire circle. It is best for comparing one difference within the group, such as ages.