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Q: What is the best type of graph to show the number of cars sold in four different colors?
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Which type of graph would best to show how microwave radiation effected the growth of bean plants?

I suppose you are doing this for a science progect :D The best graph to use in your situation is a line graph. A line graph shows data along a period of time, and your bean plants grew over a period of time. If you did different sets of data like one bean plant got no radiation, one got some, and one got a lot, then mark each one across the line graph in different colors for each one. The colors should be dark and easy to see.

What graph best shows how different items compare to each other?

a bar graph

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A line graph is the best graph.

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Pie Chart

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The best graph for the purpose of comparing raw numbers between different qualitative categories would be a bar graph or some variation thereof.

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circle graph

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I believe a bar graph is best, and could be easily understood by children. It can be quickly made in Excel (Win), Numbers (Mac) or Gnumeric (Linux).

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Circle graph

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A stacked bar graph would be a suitable choice to display the amount of iron ore in four different countries. This graph allows you to compare the total amount of iron ore in each country as well as the distribution of iron ore production within each country.

Which type of graph would be best for showing the percentage of people in a family with different jobs?

circle graph