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Q: What is the best way to show a large amount of data in a small space?
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Which of theses is the best way to show a large amount of numerical data in a very small space?

You have basically two options: a table, or a graph. Its a Data Table

Do you use a large pot when you cook your collard greens?

A large pot would work best, depending on how much you are making. If you are only making a small amount, you can use a small pan that has a lid on it.

What unit provides the best measure of the amount of space is contained in a plastic bottle?

Well that would depend on the size of the plastic bottle. If the bottle is large use litters or "L" for short. If the bottle is small use milliliters or "ml" for short.

Why a small volume of water in a kettle con fill a kitchen with steam?

When the small volume of water in a kettle is heated, it evaporates and turns into steam. Since steam takes up significantly more space than liquid water, even a small amount of water can produce a large volume of steam. As the steam escapes from the spout of the kettle, it quickly fills the enclosed space of a kitchen, creating the illusion of filling the entire room with steam.

Are apple seeds poison to dogs?

Only in large amounts. They contain a small amount of amygdalin. Typically, it's best to avoid feeding dogs seeds. Especially small dogs.

What's the best fitness equipment for a small space?

A really really good website for finding the best fitness equipment for a small space is this website.

Best wine racks for a small space?

Best wine rack for a small space should not be bigger then 300 feet. These small wine rack can be found in many locations at your local hardware store.

What's the best way to design a shelf in a small space?

Building a shelf is a great way to maximize your vertical space in a small space. To learn how to design/make your own go to

What is the best unit of measure that you would use to measure a square pyramid?

The best unit of measure to use for measuring a square pyramid would be cubic units (e.g., cubic inches, cubic feet). This is because a square pyramid is a three-dimensional shape that occupies space, and measuring its volume in cubic units would accurately represent the amount of space it occupies.

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What is a Mac Mini server used for?

Mac Mini servers are small servers that do not take up much space, and provide network services on a smaller scale. It is best used in areas that are not large, such as a home office, small business, or a school.