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Q: What is the biggest number of babies a human has had?
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What are the biggest babies in the world?

Blue whales bear the biggest babies.

What is the biggest number of babies had by 1 mother?

if you mean at once then i thinnk its 8 xx

What is the name of the biggest number?

There is no biggest number. Numbers go on forever. Infinity isn't a number.

Are babies human?

Yes and no. Human babies are human, non human babies are not human. Like cat babies, they're cats and not human. And now my answer are you a human and your answer is yes and you were a baby so it still counts so yes baby's are humans. its not a yes and no answer

Which has the most babies cat or cow?

The cat has the biggest amount of babies at once.

What was the biggest litter of hamsters?

The biggest litter of hamsters would be 12 babies

Who has the biggest family?

In the animal kingdomm the biggest animal is the Blue Whale therefore the Blue Whale has the biggest babies and family.

Can a human and a zombie have babies?


Why do rabbits not feed their babies?

They won't feed their babies if they have a human scent on them.

Are human babies bigger than animal babies?

Yes usually

What animal are you born from?

Human babies are only born when the sperm of a human male fertilizes the egg of a human female and conception occurs. Human babies are only born to humans.

Would rats go for human babies?

Rats can, have, and will bite human babies. It is important that babies and small children be secured against rat bites, which can carry rabies.