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Q: What is the biggest number you can make with these roaman numerals I V X L C D and M?
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What is the largest number you can write using the following roman numerals CXLVI?

C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5 and I = 1 so the biggest value number you could make just using those numerals in a different order would be 166, which is CLXVI

Why did they make roman numerals?

It was the only number system when it was invented

How do you write 34089750 as a numeral?

You mean Roaman numerals? Because 34089750 (thirty four million eighty nine thousand seven hunderd and fifty) is a whole numeral! Now it's highly impractical to use roman numerals for notation over a few thousand because to make the number 1 million, you need 1000 of the numeral "M" let alone 34 million!!! Now the answer would look like fifty odd pages of the letter "M" Followed by "DCCL"

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Is there a biggest number?

No. If there were a biggest number, adding 1 won't make it bigger, which is contradictory.

What is the biggest number in Indonesia?

There is no biggest number in Indonesia. If there were a number X that was the biggest in Indonesia, we could make a bigger number in Indonesia by adding any positive number A to X, thereby getting a bigger number X+A. We leave as an exercise to the reader the question of whether there can be a biggest number in Malaysia or the Philippines.

What is the largers number that you can make with these numerals 732?

732 = 1104427674243920646305299201 (7 to the power of 32)

How do you make 5 in roman numerals?

The roman numeral V represents the number 5.

Who make the number?

Arabic numerals were invented in India (and later brought to Europe by Arabs).

In Roman numerals what do you put before V to make the number 4?

I (iv =4)

What is 1980 in Roman numerals?

MCMLXXX is the number 1980 in roman numerals. The XXX in last is to add 30 to make the last numbers 80.

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