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Q: What is the binary code that can represent most currently used language characters as well as mathematical and graphic symbols?
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What is a non-phonetic language?

A non-phonetic language is a language in which the written characters do not necessarily correspond to the sounds of the spoken language. For example, Chinese characters represent meanings rather than sounds, unlike alphabetic languages where written symbols directly represent sounds.

Which standard is used to represent all characters including foreign language characters?

The Unicode standard is used to represent all characters, including foreign language characters. It provides a unique number for every character, regardless of platform, program, or language. This allows for consistent encoding and representation of text across different systems.

How many letters are in Chinese language?

There are over 50,000 characters in the Chinese language, but the language itself does not have an alphabet made up of individual letters like the English language. Instead, Chinese characters are used to represent words or parts of words.

Does the Korean language have characters?

Yes, the Korean language uses a writing system called Hangul, which consists of characters representing consonants and vowels. Hangul characters are used to form syllabic blocks that represent sounds in the Korean language.

Who did most Chinese characters represent?

Each Chinese character represents a different word or idea. There are characters for every word in the Chinese language.

What is a 貔貅?

Box-like computer characters can either represent characters in the Chinese language, or may be the result of code used to create HTML.

What are characters based on abstract ideas known as?

it is a type of symbolic system used to represent elements or statements expressible in language.

How many words in Chinese language?

There are over 50,000 Chinese characters, but the language itself consists of about 13,000 commonly used characters. Each character can represent a word, a syllable, or a concept.

How do you write 'R' in Mandarin?

There is no 'R' in Mandarin. Unlike English or any other language which is based on a form of alphabet, the Chinese language does not have a alphabet. They have characters (some people refer to them as pictures) which represent different words. While there are approximately 3,000-4,000 more commonly used characters overall, there are over 80,000 characters. None of which represent any one letter in the English alphabet.

What is x in mathematical language?

X is a variable in the mathematical language. X could be any number, letter or equation.

What language uses pictures?

A language that uses pictures is called a pictographic language. Examples of pictographic languages include Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese characters. These languages use visual symbols to represent meanings or concepts.

What is a symbol for a phoneme in a language?

A symbol for a phoneme in a language is typically a specific character or combination of characters used to represent a specific sound. Phonemes are the basic units of sound in a language, and symbols are used in phonetic transcription to represent these sounds.