In gymnastics it is when you place multiple skills after one another. done in order without stopping between a skill.
Distance - this is the length traveled to get from one place to another Displacement - this is the length that separates the starting and finishing position
The equation of time is the difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time, both taken at a given place (or at another place with the same geographical longitude) at the same real instant of time.
The commas between numbers in place value are commas.
transform boundry.
The place were neurons transfer an impulse to another structure is called a synapses. This is actually a gap between these 2 structures and the impulse has to cover that.
When people move from one place to another, it is called migration.
That is called "relocation" or simply "sending someone or something to another place."
The movement of water from one place to another and from one form to another is called the water cycle.
People who move their residence from place to place are called __________________.
It is called "traveling" or "journeying" when you move from one place to another.
When people move from one place to another it's called Human Migration.
When people move from one place to another it's called Human Migration.
When two plates come together it's known as the Convergent Boundry
A passage from one place to another is typically called a journey or a trip. It refers to the process of moving or traveling from one location to another.
Is called Gas