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Q: What is the break with jagged or rough edges?
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What mineral has the Tendency to break with rough or jagged edges?

referred to as fracture

What is mineral's fracture?

The physical property of a mineral that causes it to break with rough or jagged edges

What is the property of a mineral that causes it to break with rough edges?

The property of a mineral that causes it to break with rough edges is called fracture. Fracture can occur in minerals that do not exhibit cleavage, resulting in irregular or jagged surfaces when the mineral is broken. This type of breakage is typically due to the mineral's atomic structure and how its bonds are oriented.

What do minerals that break with an uneven rough or jagged surface have?

a fracture

What is the property of minerals that break with jagged surfaces?

The property of minerals that break with jagged surfaces is called "fracture." This type of breakage occurs when a mineral does not break along cleavage planes but instead produces irregular, rough surfaces. Fracture can be categorized as conchoidal (smooth and curved) or uneven (jagged and rough).

What is a common mineral that breaks with rough or jagged edes?

Quartz is a common mineral that breaks with rough or jagged edges. This is due to its brittle nature and the way its atomic structure breaks along planes of weakness when subjected to stress.

What are minerals that break with an uneven rough or jagged surface?

Minerals that break with an uneven rough or jagged surface are classified as having a fracture. Some examples of minerals with this type of fracture include quartz, fluorite, and obsidian. These minerals break in a way that does not exhibit any distinct cleavage planes.

What type of lava forms rough jagged edges?

A'a lava forms rough jagged edges as it cools and solidifies. It is characterized by its blocky and sharp texture, which can make it difficult to walk on. A'a lava flows tend to move slower compared to pahoehoe lava flows.

What rhymes with jagged edges?

Ragged Hedges

Which plant has jagged edges?

Jasmine plant

Why are rocks always jagged?

Rocks can be jagged due to physical weathering processes like frost wedging, where water seeps into cracks in the rock and freezes, causing the rock to break apart into jagged pieces. This, combined with other processes like abrasion from wind or water, can create jagged rock formations.

Does a jasmine plant's leaves have jagged edges?

No, jasmine plant leaves typically have smooth edges, not jagged ones.