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The ends of all meridians of longitude converge at the north and south poles.

Their centers are all on the equator.

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Q: What is the center point from which all meridians begin?
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What is the center point from which all meridians begin and is the north extremity of the earths axis?

The meridians (lines of longitude) run from the North Pole to the South Pole. The Prime Meridian (zero Longitude) passes through Greenwich, England. Therefore, the answer to your question is the 'North Pole'.

What center point from which all meridans begin and which is the north extremity of the earth's axis?

The North Pole is the center point from which all meridians begin and it is the north extremity of the Earth's axis.

What is the center point from which all meridians begin and which is the north extremity of the earths axis?

All meridians of longitude converge at the north pole, which is the north extremity of the Earth's rotational axis. They also converge at the south pole, which is the south extremity of the Earth's rotational axis. Neither ponit is the 'beginning' or 'end' of the meridians.

Are the lines of longitude the same distance apart at the equator as they are at the poles?

No. All of the meridians merge in a single point at the poles.

Where do all meridians meed?

All meridians of longitude converge (meet) at the north and south poles.

Which direction do Yin meridians flow?

Of the twelve regular meridians, the yin meridians always flow up the body, and all the yang meridians always flow down.

Are Meridians parallel?

Some maps are squashed and stretched in such a way that meridians of longitude appear to be parallel (Mercator projection, for example). But the truth is that on the globe, the meridians all converge at the poles, and so they're not parallel.

What meridians is east of 45 w?

With the exception of 15 45, all of them. You can travel east around the globe back to the starting point.

What meridians meet at the poles?

All of them

What meridians meet the poles?

All of them do.

Are all meridians of equal length?


Why is the distance between meridians constant?

Because the meridians are not parallel. They're the slices you make when you want to cut an orange into sections, where each slice goes through the same point on top and the same point on the bottom, and the pieces taper, from wide at the skin to nothing at the middle. The parallels are literally parallel. They're the slices you make when you want to cut the orange into "rounds", where the slices are all parallel, and the pieces are all circular disks of different sizes.