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Q: What is the chance of 2 people being born in the same month out of a group of 4 people?
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What is the least number of people that should group together so that at least 2 of them were definitely born on the same month?

13 is the smallest number of people that will guarantee that at least two of them were born on the same month.

How many people do you need to gather if you want at least to of them to have birthdays in the same month?

13, if you want to be sure. It's impossible for a group of 13 people not to have at least one pair that share a birth month, because there are only 12 months.If you'll settle for a lower probability, thechance that a group of 5 randomly chosen people will contain at least one pair born in the same month is about 3/5, and if you gather 6 people the chance that at least two of them will share a birth month is about 4/5. Those aren't exact probabilities both because the math doesn't work out that way and and because birthdays are not randomly distributed by month ... significantly fewer people are born in February than in August. An exact probability would need to take that into account, and it's frankly more research and math than I want to do unless I'm getting paid for it.

Is one calendar month from 20th of one month to 20th what month?

Yes. A calendar month can be from a date in one month to the corresponding date in the next month, so the 20th to the 20th of the next month qualifies as being a calendar month.

Why is October the 10 month instead of the 8 month?

In the early Roman calendar there were only 10 months in the year with October being the 8th month and December being the 10th and final month of the year. It was Julius Caesar who introduced two more months in the year which was known as the Julian Calendar thus making October the 10th month of the year and December then became the 12th and final month of the year.

What is the probability that any two people in a random group of 30 have the same birthday that is the same month and date?

It is approaching unity that two in a random group of 30 people would have the same birthday. (Month and date)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P(2 people share bd in 30) ≈ 38.0%Using the following expression* that doesn't consider February 29 of a leap year butgives good estimate;P(2 people and only 2 people share a birthday, month and date, in a group of n people) = nC2 (1/365) Π1n-1(1 - (i-1)/365)nCr = n!/(r!(n-r)!)for n = 30, r = 2,30C2 = 435P(2 people share bd in 30) = 435(1/365)(1)(1-1/365)(1-2/365)∙∙∙∙∙∙(1-27/375)(1-28/365) = 0.380215577...P(2 people share bd in 30) ≈ 38.0%*[For an expression that considers leap year see question "What is the probability thatin a room of 8 people 2 have the same birthday ?"]

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What is the probability that in a group of six people at least two were born in the same month?

For ease of answering, we will work under the assumption that the probability of someone being born within any given month is equal to that of any other month. Allowing that assumption, we can look at that question a slightly different way and say "What is the probability that all people in a group of six would each be born in a different month?" The answer to that would be 12/12 * 11/12 * 10/12 * 9/12 * 8/12 * 7/12, which can also be expressed as (12! / 6!) / 126, and comes out to 665280 / 2985984, which equals 385 / 1728. The probability of at least two being being born in the same month would then be: 1 - 385 / 1728 = 1343 / 1728 ≈ 0.7772, or approximately 77.72%

What is the least number of people that should group together so that at least 2 of them were definitely born on the same month?

13 is the smallest number of people that will guarantee that at least two of them were born on the same month.

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What month was greyson chance born?

He was born in August.

Where is the nearest self help group for people with depression in Nottingham?

Bipolar Uk runs a self help group in Nottingham. It meets on the first Thursday of every month.

What month do people eat the least?

It should be July. It's the end of the financial year and people are normally hibernating and sipping soups even though there is a push on Christmas being on this month.

How many people do you need to gather if you want at least to of them to have birthdays in the same month?

13, if you want to be sure. It's impossible for a group of 13 people not to have at least one pair that share a birth month, because there are only 12 months.If you'll settle for a lower probability, thechance that a group of 5 randomly chosen people will contain at least one pair born in the same month is about 3/5, and if you gather 6 people the chance that at least two of them will share a birth month is about 4/5. Those aren't exact probabilities both because the math doesn't work out that way and and because birthdays are not randomly distributed by month ... significantly fewer people are born in February than in August. An exact probability would need to take that into account, and it's frankly more research and math than I want to do unless I'm getting paid for it.

How are chance and real doing?

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What month is Sonny With a Chance having season 2?


How do you get the pet of the month loot bag in webkinz?

You must buy the pet of the month and then you may have a chance to get it if not then try the next and on and on and on...

I had a miscarriage in march but i am trying to get pregnant again i got my period on the 25th last month but it it the 20th now and i have just started cramping and bleeding can i be pregnant?

There is a slim chance of you being pregnant.