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It is 6*6-5 = 6-4 = 1/1296 = 0.00077 (approx).

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Q: What is the chance of rolling a Yahtzee?
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What is th probability of rolling yahtzee on the first shake?

1/1296 (0.07716%)

What are the Odds of rolling double fours in dice?

The odds of rolling any double number is 1:36

Is the word yahtzee in the newest dictionary?

Yahtzee isn't a word, it's a name. Yahtzee is a naval-based board game involving dice rolling and score keeping. So, yes, it is in the dictionary as a definition for the game, but not the figure of speech, which is not a word.

What is the world record for the lowest score with yahtzee?

The lowest possible score with a Yahtzee is 5 points, which is achieved by rolling four 1s and a 2 in the five dice. This is considered the lowest score possible in a single turn in Yahtzee.

Urgent Probability and Statistics help please The dice rolling has to deal with playing the game of Yahtzee?

Well, what is the question?

What are the odds of rolling a small straight 12345 with five dice with the rules of yahtzee?

The probability is 120/7776 = 0.0154, approx.

What is the probability of rolling a 4 or 5 on a six sided cube?

The chance of rolling a certain number on a dice is 1/6, so the chance of rolling a 4 OR 5is 2/6. But if you have two dice you have the most chance of rolling a seven (6/36 or 1/6)

What rhymes with Yahtzee?

Nazi rhymes with Yahtzee.

When was yahtzee made?

Yahtzee was made in 1956!

When was Yahtzee created?

Yahtzee was created in 1956.

When a dice is rolled what is the probability of rolling a 3 twice?

Rolling it once there is a 1 out of 6 chance - because there is 6 numbers on a dice and one of them is three. so rolling it twice would be a 2 out of 12 chance / 0.16 / 16% chance

Chances of rolling a 12 on a pair of dice?

The only way to get a 12 is to get two sixes. The chance of rolling a six is 1/6 and chance of rolling two sixes is 1/36 or about 2.78%