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1 in 6. There are six possible numbers, and it is one of those, so on one roll you have a one in six chance of rolling a six or any other individual number.

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Q: What is the chance of rolling a six on a dice?
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What is the probability of rolling a 3 on 1 dice?

It is a one out of six chance. Smile:)

What is the probability of rolling a 4 or 5 on a six sided cube?

The chance of rolling a certain number on a dice is 1/6, so the chance of rolling a 4 OR 5is 2/6. But if you have two dice you have the most chance of rolling a seven (6/36 or 1/6)

What is the probability of rolling a 5 on a 6 sided dice?

There is always a 1 in 6 chance of rolling ANY number on a six-sided dice, as there are 6 numbers.

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there is exactly a 50% chance.

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One out of six... or however many sides your dice have on it.

Chances of rolling a 12 on a pair of dice?

The only way to get a 12 is to get two sixes. The chance of rolling a six is 1/6 and chance of rolling two sixes is 1/36 or about 2.78%

What are the percent of chance of rolling a six twice in a row on one six sided dice?

(1/6 * 1/6) * 100 = 2.8%

What are the chances of rolling the dice at 1?

For a six sided die , it would be 1/6 as there is an equal chance for every value.

What is the probability of rolling a dice?

If you pick it up, there is a 99% chance that you will roll the dice upon dropping it, and a 1% chance of it landing on one face and sitting there, not rolling.

Probability of rolling six sixes rolling six dice?

This probability is (1/6)6.

What is the chances of Rolling a 3 or 4 from two dice?

Assuming you are rolling a six-sided dice, it is 1/3 for one dice and 2/3 for two dice.

When a dice is rolled what is the probability of rolling a 3 twice?

Rolling it once there is a 1 out of 6 chance - because there is 6 numbers on a dice and one of them is three. so rolling it twice would be a 2 out of 12 chance / 0.16 / 16% chance