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Pressure gradient


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Q: What is the change in pressure measured across a given distance called?
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The distance from the equator measured in degrees is called latitude.

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Distance north or south measured in degrees is called latitude.

Is the Distance from the equator measured in degrees is called?

'Distance' can't be measured in degrees.The angle from the equator to the place of interestis the latitude of the place.

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The distance half way across a circle is the circle's radius.radias

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I think you mean the distance from the Earth to the Sun. This distance is measured in Astronomical Units (AU)

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Originally, the distance was measured by a system called parallax measurement. Today, it is measured by laser beam, and is accurate to within inches.

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What is the force measured over an area?

The force measured over an area is called pressure. It is calculated by dividing the force applied by the area over which it is distributed. Pressure is commonly measured in units such as Pascals or pounds per square inch (psi).

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It's called the diameter.

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How do you measure electrical pressure?

Electrical pressure, also known as voltage, is measured using a tool called a multimeter. The multimeter is typically set to measure voltage, and the probes are connected to the circuit or component where the voltage is to be measured. The reading displayed on the multimeter indicates the electrical pressure in volts.