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It is an array of m*n numbers or other objects that are arranged in m rows and n columns, where m and n are integers.

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Q: What is the characteristics of a rectangular array?
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Why matrice's definition includes rectangular array instead of array?

Matrices itself is a combination of rows and columns.we can not use one-dimenssional array to save the values of matrices.instead we use the rectangular array which contains rows and columns.thats it.

The definition of rectangular array?

An arrangement of objects into rows and columns that form a rectangle. All rows and columns must be filled . Each row has the same number of objects and each column has the same number of objects. -Danielle German Grade 6

What is a rectangular number?

A rectangular umber is essentially a composite or non-prime number. If a number n is composite then it can be factorised as p*q. In that case, it can be represented as an array of p rows and q columns in a RECTANGULAR array.

What is a Rectangular array that is identical when its rows and columns are transposed?

symmetric matrix

How would you show 3546 x 6 as a rectangular array?

With some difficulty! It would be an array with 6 rows and 3546 columns.

How many rectangular arrays does 73 have?

It's a prime number. Therefore the only rectangular array it has is 1*73 (or 73*1)

How will making an array help someone find factors in a number?

The numbers of rows and columns in a rectangular array form a factor pair for that number.

Which properties describe a rectangular prism?

The two characteristics "hexahedron" and "rectangular faces" are sufficient.

What does the word array mean in math?

An array is a set of numbers that form some sort of regular arrangement. A linear array is a 1-dimensional array consisting of a row or a column of a set of numbers. A 2-dimensional array is a rectangular arrangement of numbers. And there are arrays with higher dimensions. The elements of an array need not be numbers: they could be variables, functions or expressions. In other words, it's a picture to describe a multiplication problem.

What is an array diagram in math?

An array diagram is a way of representing information in the form of a rectangular layout or in analogous shapes in higher dimensions: cuboids or hyper-cuboids.

What does that mean matrix?

A matrix in mathematics is a rectangular array of quantities or expressions set out by rows and columns.