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Q: What is the charge for F ion as an integer?
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What is the charge on the most stable ion of each of the following elements F Br?

The most stable ion of fluorine (F) has a charge of -1, known as fluoride ion. The most stable ion of bromine (Br) has a charge of -1 as well, known as bromide ion.

What is the symbol fluorine ion?

The symbol for a fluorine ion is F^-. This indicates that the ion has gained an extra electron, giving it a negative charge.

What simple ion does F form?

Fluorine forms the fluoride ion, which has a charge of -1.

What is Florine's charge of ion?

Fluoride is a monovalent anion ===> F-

What is the differences between a sodium ion and fluoride ion?

Sodium ion (Na+) has a positive charge, while fluoride ion (F-) has a negative charge. Sodium ion is larger in size compared to fluoride ion due to fewer protons and electrons in its structure. Sodium ion is essential for nerve function and muscle contraction, while fluoride ion is commonly found in toothpaste and water for dental health.

What is the ion symbol for an ion with 9 protons and 10 electrons?

F-. To figure this out, the element is determined by the number of protons (9=F), and the charge by the difference between the protons and electrons. There's one more electron than proton here so the charge is 1-.

Does fluorine form an ion with a positive charge?

Fluorine typically forms an ion with a negative charge, as it tends to gain one electron to achieve a full valence shell. This results in the formation of the fluoride anion (F-).

What ion is commonly formed from fluorine?

Fluorine commonly forms the fluoride ion (F-). This ion has a negative charge and is stable due to fluorine's high electronegativity.

What is the charge on an ion with 65 protons and 69 electrons?

Remember.. I f there are more electrons than protons in an ion the charge will be negative. Here there is a -4 charge because the electrons are higher than the protons, if it were the opposite the charge would be +4.

Fluorine has an atomic number of 9 What is the symbol and charge for an ion of fluorine that has 10 electrons?

A fluorine ion with atomic number 9 and 10 electrons has a charge of -1 because it has one extra electron as compared to the number of protons (10-9 = 1). Its symbol is F-.

What charge does a bromide ion have?

Br-, like the other halogens F-, Cl-, Br-, I-. They would obtain one electron to have noble gas electron configuration. Therefore, one negative charge.

What is the ionic charge of fluoride ion?

The ionic charge of the fluoride ion is -1. This is because fluoride gains one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, resulting in a negative charge.