

Best Answer

1. Add the check digit at the end of the number

054506967 ?2. Find the weight of each number. (Weight is in descending order) 0[10] 5[9] 4[8] 5[7] 0[6] 6[5] 9[4] 6[3] 7[2] ?[1]

3. Multiply number with its weight.

0 45 32 35 0 30 36 18 144. Add the products together. =210

5. Divide it by "11"


6. Subtract the remainder from "11", the answer will be the check digit.


Check Digit=11-1


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Q: What is the check digit for the ISBN 054506967?
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How many digit in new ISBN?

Ten in the old ISBN, thirteen in the new ISBN's

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Does each copy of the same book share the same ISBN?

It is often the edition that is confusing to people. A paperback edition will have a different ISBN than a hardcover. Textbooks with revised content will get a different ISBN from the original edition. Children's books packaged with a toy or doll will have a different ISBN than the book itself. This is so that buyers get exactly the book they want. Librarians will put the ISBN on the catalog information on the online catalog.

Where d represents a digit from 0 9 how many different ISBN numbers are possible if repetition of digits is allowed?

There are 10 to the 10th power possibilities of ISBN numbers if d represents a digit from 0 to 9 and repetition of digits are allowed. That means there are 10,000,000,000 ISBN numbers possible.

What is the last digit in the ISBN number for Ann E Barro?

The ISBN for Ann E Barron's book, New Technologies for Education: A Beginner's Guide (published by Libraries Unlimited; on January 15, 1997) is 978-1563084775. Thus, the last digit in the ISBN number would be 5.

Why do some books have 2 ISBN numbers?

The publishing industry is in the process of switching all books from having 10 digit ISBN codes to 13 digit codes. While this transition is happening, both ISBNs will be printed on your books and on any order correspondence. You can use either ISBN until January 2007, when the ten digit ISBN will become obsolete.

Does ISBN mean a copyright date on a book?

No. The International Standard Book Number is a 10- or 13-digit commercial identifier. The copyright date is a 4-digit year.

Where can you find a lookup for books using an ISBN number?

One can look up books using an ISBN number using a website called Lookup by ISBN. One could also look up books by the ISBN number on Amazon or ISBN-check.

What is the difference in isbn978020571819 and 9780205769094?

ISBN is the International Standard Book Number. So, 978020571819 which is 12 digits NOT a valid isbn number vs. 9780205769094 which is a 13 digit number, NOT associated with any isbn book ISBN numbers are either 10 or 13 digits. Use the attached URL (link) to find book titles by using valid ISBN numbers.

What is the ISBN of Project Superpowers?

The ISBN for Project Superpowers varies depending on the specific edition or format of the book. It is recommended to check the specific edition or online retailers for the ISBN of the version you are interested in.

What is the name of the last digit in the bar code number?

check digit

What does check digit mean in binary?

A check digit can be added to any set of numbers primarily to check for errors in the data. The check digit is seen as an equivalent to binary checksum which is used for the older and now less used binary system.