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The circumference is 3.14 (Pi) times the diameter: 3.14 x 6 = 18.84in circumference.

The area formula is: A= Pi × radius2 therefore: (3 x 3) x 3.14 = 28.26in2 area.

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Q: What is the circumference and area of a salad plate that is 6inch diameter?
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What is it called when you add an adjective when comparing two nouns?

When comparing two nouns, those nouns are joined by a conjunction forming a compound subject or object.That conjunction is called a coordinating conjunction, which indicates that the words, phrases, or clauses joined are of equal value.Two nouns being compared are often preceded by a conjunction called a correlating conjunction (between the sink and the stove; either today or tomorrow; both mom and dad).When an adjective is added to a noun, a noun phrase is formed.Examples:Soup or salad is included with the entree. ('soup or salad' is the compound subject of the sentence)We can have soup or salad with our entree. ('soup or salad' is the compound direct object of the verb 'can have')Hot soup or salad is included with the entree. (adding the adjective 'hot' to the noun 'soup' forms a noun phrasejoined to the noun 'salad', forming the compound subject of the sentence)I don't care for either soup or salad. (the correlating conjunction 'either' modifies the compound object of the preposition 'for')I don't care for either hot soup or raw salad. (adding the adjectives 'hot' and 'raw' to the nouns forms two noun phrases as the compound object of the preposition 'for')

If a regular heptagon has a side of 12 and an apothem of 8 What is its area?

penis salad

Which one of the following snack combinations will best satisfy a person's daily fluid requirement?

Fresh fruit, green salad, and water

How many eggs to make egg salad to feed 100?

As a starting point: one egg per person, with half a dozen eggs spare, should do. Obviously, if you decide to use two eggs on each salad, simply double the number to 200 plus 6 spare. It is better to have some left over, than to run out.

How is a title for a graph written?

You just write a title that sums up your graph a the top, such as "Number of People from Different Countries that like Salad".

Related questions

A dinner plate has an 11 inch diameter and a salad plate has an 8 inch diameter how many more square inches does the dinner plate cover than the salad plate?

The area of a circle is calculated using the formula A = πr^2, where r is the radius of the circle. The radius of the dinner plate is 5.5 inches (half of the diameter), and the radius of the salad plate is 4 inches. The area of the dinner plate is 95.03 square inches (π * 5.5^2), while the area of the salad plate is 50.27 square inches (π * 4^2). The dinner plate covers 44.76 square inches more than the salad plate.

What is the location of a salad plate?

The salad plate is used to serve salad at a meal, reserving the dinner plate for the main course.

What utenciles do you use to put the salad on the plate?

You can use tongs or salad forks to put salad on the plate.

How to plate a house salad?


Can a blue whale swallow a grapefruit?

Yes, this is the largest thing a blue whale can swallow. It's throat is almost exactly the same diameter as its belly button, which is about the size of a salad plate

What is the best rated salad plates brand?

How good or useful a salad plate may be depends on its construction and its dependability. The best salad plates are made of firm material and have a flat bottom with a raised edge to keep the salad in the plate.

Will the fairy eat a tiny salad?

Yes, a fairy would eat a tiny salad, in a tiny salad plate with a tiny fork.

What is the function of dinner plate?

It is used for your main entree and sides, like the small plate is the appetizer plate, the bowl is soup or sometimes salad, there is a salad fork and a dinner fork, a soup apron and a tea spoon

When serving salad with a warm dish for example chicken and potato wedges should the plates be heated?

well the salad should be on a second plate and that plate should be cold and the plate with the chicken and potato wedges should be heated

What are the utencils used to make salads?

Salad forks and/or salad spoons can be used to toss the salad. Tongs help to dip the salad onto the plate, but aren't as useful for tossing.

How do you arrange soup bowls on a table?

When setting the table for a meal in which soup is the first course, the soup bowls are placed on top of the dinner plate. (Or on top of the salad plate, which is already on top of the dinner plate if salad is to follow the soup.)

How do you make vegetarian SALAD?

A vegetarian salad would be made of vegetables only, with no meat or dairy products included. The salad dressing would be vegetarian, also.