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Q: What is the circumference of a 25.59 Diameter ball?
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Circumference of ball divided by diameter?


55 cm ball in circumference inches?

If that's the diameter, you can multiply that by pi (which is approximately 3.14), to get the circumference.

If a soccerball has a diameter of 8.75 inches what is it's circumference?

The circumference of a ball is C = diameter times pi. pi = 3.14159 ... So you get the circumference C = 27.4889 inches.

Circumference of fitness ball with a 22 inch diameter?

Circumference = pi*d = 69 inches

What is the circumference of a 2 inch diameter pool ball?

Circumference of pool ball: 2*pi = 6.283 inches rounded to 3 decimal places

What is the circumference of a ball if the diameter is 14cm?

Circumference = π x DiameterC= 3.14159 x 14C= 43.98 cm

How far does a golf ball roll in one rotation?

Let's assume that your golf ball is 1.680 inches in diameter - the smallest size golf ball allowed in certain golfing associations. Then we know that the circumference of the golf ball will be the distance it would roll in one complete rotation. Circumference = pi * diameter Circumference = 3.14 * 1.680 in Circumference = 5.2752 inches = the distance that this particular golf ball would roll

What is the circumference of a golf ball?

The diameter is 1.68 inches or greater. The circumference can be found from ordinary principles of geometry. The formula for a the circumference is: C = πd So the circumference of a golf ball would be 5.2779 (to 4 decimal places)

What is the circumference nce of a 5cm diameter ball?

circumference = 5*pi = 15.70796327 or 15.708 cm rounded to 3 d.p.

How do you find radius of a circular swimming pool?

The diameter of a pool ball is 2 and 1/4 inch diameter. The radius of a pool ball is 1 and 1/8 inches. The radius is one half of the diameter.

What is the diameter in a 8 inch ball?

What is a "8 inch ball" ? Is 8 inches the diameter ? Then its diameter is 8 inches. Is 8 inches the radius ? Then its diameter is 16 inches. Is 8 inches the circumference ? Then its diameter is about 2.546 inches (rounded).

Suggest another way to measure the diameter of a ball or any spherical object?

measure the circumference, c. Since c = pi x d where d = diameter pi = 3.1415926535897932384676..... diameter = circumference / pi