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4.3 x 3.14 = a whisker more than 13 ft 6 in

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Q: What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 4.3 ft and pi is 3.14?
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What is the circumference of a circle with 43 ft?

If its diameter is 43 ft then its circumference is pi*43 = 135.088 ft to 3 dp

What is the circumference of the circle with a diameter of 43?

circumference = pi*43 = 135.088 units of measurement rounded to 3 d.p.

What is the circumference of 43 cm?

Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

What is the diameter of a circle 135 cm circumference?

diameter = 135/pi = 42.97183463 or about 43 cm

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What is the area of a circle with a circumference of 43 inches?

The area of a circle with a circumference of 43 inches is 147.1 square inches.

What is the circumference of a circle with the radius of 43?

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How many linear feet are in a 43 foot diameter circle?

43 linear feet. The diameter of the circle is the longest distance that you can have in the circle.

What is the circumference of a 43 inch circle?

129 i think

What is the radius of 43 inches?

What is 43 inches? The Area? The circumference? The Diameter? If the diameter is 43 inches than the radius is 21.5 inches If the Circumference is 43 inches than the radius is 6.96 inches If the Area is 43 inches than the radius is 3.7 inches Hope this is helpful :)

How fast would the Earth be actually spinning in Toronto?

Let's use these numbers: (There's some rounding and some assumptions here,but these are plenty close enough.)Earth's diameter: 7,926 milesEarth's period of rotation: 24 hoursToronto's north latitude: 43° 40' = 43-2/3 degreesDiameter of the circle that Toronto rotates on = [ 7,926 cosine(43-2/3) ] milesCircumference = pi x diameter = (pi) (7,926) cosine(43-2/3)Speed in miles per hour = circumference / 24 =(pi/24) (7,926) cosine(43-2/3) =750.5 miles (1,207.8 km) per hour

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The circumference of the earth is about 24,880 miles, so a globe with a circumference of 43 inches would have a scale of approximately 578 miles per inch.