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Approximately 15.08

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Q: What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 4.8?
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What is the diameter of a circle with a 48 feet circumference?

The diameter of a circle with a 48 feet circumference is: 15.28 feet (circumference divided by Pi = diameter).

If the circumference of a circle is 48 cm what is the length of its diameter?

If the circumference of a circle is 48 cm its diameter is: 15.28 cm

What is the diameter of a 48 circumference circle?

Circumference = 48*pi which is about 150.796 inches

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 48 inches?

Its circumference = 48*pi inches

What is the diameter of a circle if the circumference is 48 inches?

Diameter of the circle: 48/pi = 15.27887454 or about 15.279 inches

What is the circumference of a circle 48 inch diameter?

Circumference = 48*pi which is about 150.796 inches

What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 48 inches?

A circle with a radius of 24 inches has a circumference of 150.8 inches.

What is the circumference of circle if the radius is 48?

The circumference C of any circle is equal to pi*diameter. The diameter is equal to the radius times 2. So, for a circle with radius 48, it has a diameter of 96, and a circumference of 96*3.14=301.44. This of course is using 3.14 as an estimate for pi.

What is the exact circumference of a circle with diameter 48 ml?


What is the circumference of circle rounded to tht nearest tenth with the diameter of 48 in?

Circumference of the circle: 48*pi = 150.8 inches rounded to the nearest tenth

How do you find the diameter and radius of a circle with a circumference of 48 inches?

To find the diameter, 48/pi To find the radius, (48/pi) then divide by 2 :)

If the diameter of the circle is 69mm then what is the circumference of this circle?

If the diameter of a circle is 69mm then the circumference is: 216.8mm (diameter x pi = circumference).