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A circle with a radius of 5 feet has a circumference of 31.4 feet.

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Q: What is the circumference of a circle if the radious is 5ft?
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What is the circumference of a circle with radious of 6?

The circumference of a circle with radius of 6 is about 37.7

What is the circumference of a circle with radious 5 feet?

The circumference of a circle with radius 5 feet is about 31.42 feet.

What is the area of a circle when the radious is 5ft?

Area = 25*pi square feet

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What is the circumference of a circle with a 65 inch radious?

About 408.41 inches.

What does the radious of each circle represent?

The radius of a circle is a straight line from the centre of the circle to its circumference.

How do you find the circumference of a circle whos radious is 7.8?

using pi

What is the circumference of a circle with a 5ft diameter?

The circumference is about 15.7 feet.

How do you find the radious of a circle can you find the circumference?

The radius of a circle is the distance from its centre to its circumference. If a circle has a radius of r units then the length of its circumference is 2*pi*r units.

What is a part of the circumference of a circle called?

Circumference is a special name for a circles perimeter. I think the answer you are looking for is radious.

find the circumference of a circle 5ft radius?


How do you find the radious of a circle?

The radius of a circle is any straight line from the centre of the circle to its circumference. The radius can also refer to the length of this line.