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C = D x pi = 2 x R x pi

C = circumference

D = diameter

R = radius

pi = 3.141 592 653 ... (a mathematical constant)



R = 10 inches


C = 2 x 10 inches x 3.14 = 62.8 inches

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Q: What is the circumference of a circle if the radius is 10 inches?
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What is the circumference of the circle if the radius 10 inches?

The circumference of a circle with a radius of 10 inches is about 62.83 inches.

What is the circumference of a circle with the readius of 10 inches?

A circle with a radius of 10 inches has a circumference of 62.8 inches.

What is the exact circumference of a circle with a radius of 10 in?

The circumference is 62.8318531 inches.

What's is the circumference of the circle if the radius is 10 in?

The circumference of a circle is equal to 2 times pi times the radius of the circle. Therefore, if the radius of the circle is 10 inches, the circumference would be 2 times pi times 10 inches, or 20 pi inches. Pi is a mathematical constant with a value of approximately 3.14, so the circumference of the circle would be approximately 62.8 inches.

Circumference of a 10 inch circle?

If its diameter is 10 inches then its circumference is: diameter*pi If its radius is 10 inches then its circumference is: 2*pi*10

The radius of the circle is 5inches what is the circumference?

The circumference of a circle that has a radius of 5 inches is 10 X pi or approximatly 31.415926535897932384626433832795. If you know the radius you can find the circumference by multiplying it by 2(pi)

What is the circumference of circle with radius of 3 inches and diameter of 10 in ches?

A circle with radius of 3 inches doesn't have a diameter of 10 inches. If the radius is 3, then the diameter is 6, and the circumference is (6 pi) = 18.85 . (rounded) If the diameter is 10, then the radius is 5, and the circumference is (10 pi) = 31.42 . (rounded) The diameter is always double the radius, and the radius is always half of the diameter.

What is the circumference of the circle if the radius marked r is 10 inches?

The circumference of the circle if the radius marked r is 10 inches is: about 62.83 inches. You can easily do this calculation for other circles by multiplying the diameter (twice the radius) by Pi (about 3.1416).

What is the circumference of a tire that have a radius of 10 inches?

Assume the tire has the shape of the circle, in that case, you just multiply the radius by 2 x pi to get the circumference.

What is the circumference of circle if the radius marked r is 10 inches?

Circumference of circle: 2*pi*10 = 63 inches rounded up to the nearest whole number

How many square inches in a 10 circle?

you have to quote the diameter or radius or circumference of the circle to calculate the area. If diameter 78.53. If radius 314.15. If circumference 7.95

If the radius is 5 inches What is the circumference?

Circumference of circle: 2*pi*5 = 10*pi inches It is: 2*pi*5 = 10*pi inches