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Circumference = 2*pi*r

Area = pi*r2

We could just run these together, but let us find r.

Area = pi*r2

r = sqrt(area/pi)

4pi/pi = 4


= 2

Circumference = 2*pi*r


= 13

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Q: What is the circumference of a circle that has the area of 4pi?
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What is the circumference of a circle with the given area in terms of pi when the area equals 4 pi?

The circumference is 4pi

If a circle's circumference is 4pi inches and it's area is 4pi square inches what is the radius of the circle in inches?

Circumference is pi * r * 2. Area is pi * r2. In your circle, both r * 2 and r2 equal 4. Your radius is 2 inches.

How do you find the area of a circle if only given the circumfe rence?

Area = Circumference squared divided by 4pi.

What is the circumference of the circle if the radius is 2?

4pi~ 12.566

Can you develop a formula for the area of a circle as a function of its circumference?

It's pretty straightforward. The circumference of a circle is given by the equation C = 2[Pi]r, which can be rewritten as r = C/2Pi. The area of a circle is given by the equation A = [Pi]r2. Substituting for r in that equation gives us A = Pi(C/2Pi)2 = [Pi]C2/4[Pi]2 = C2/4Pi So, A = C2/4Pi. You can see that the area of a circle is proportional to the square of its circumference, so if you double the circumference, you quadruple the area. If you triple the circumference, the area increases ninefold! If you like, you can remember the formula as A = kC2, where k = 1/4Pi = 0.0796

What is the radius of a circle if the circumference is 4pi?

It will have a radius of 2 because 2*pi*radius is the circumference of the circle.

How do you find the area of a circle with the circumference?

The area of a circle is (pi x radius squared) A = πr2 The circumference is (pi x diameter) C = π (2r) So if you have the circumference, the area is the circumference squared, divided by 4pi (about 12.566). A = C2/4π Example: A circle with a diameter of 6 inches has a radius of 3 inches Area A = pi (32) or about 28.27 square inches Circumference C = pi (6) or about 18.85 inches Using C2/4pi, the area is 18.85 x 18.85 / 12.566 = about 28.27 square inches

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 4 in?

Well, the circumference of a circle is its diameter x pi (for the purposes of this, we will consider pi to be 3.1415) so that the circumference can be expressed as 4pi or as 12.566.

If the circumference of a circle is 10 inches what is the area in square inches of the circle?

Circumference=(pi)Xdiameter, diameter=Circumference/(pi)=(10in)/(3.14)=3.183in Area=(pi)d2/4=(pi)[Circum/(pi)]2/4=Circum/(4pi)=0.7957~8 square inches.

What is the surface area of a sphere whose great circle has a circumference of 40pi?

The great circle has circumference 40pi and we know circumference is 2pixr so 20 is the radius of the sphere. Now use this and the formula that surface area is 4pir^2 so the surface are is 4pi(20)^2. or pi(1600)

What is the circumference of a circle using 3.14 as pi and 4m as the diameter?

12.56m or 4pi(m)

If the circumference of a circle is 2053 feet what is the area of the circle?

Circumference = (pi)D = (pi) x (2R) = 2053 ===> R = 2053/(2pi) Area = (pi)R2 = (pi) x [(2053/(2pi)]2 = (2053)2/4pi = 335,403.8 ft2 (rounded)