If radius = 22 inches then circumference = 138.2 inches.
If diameter = 22 inches then circumference = 69.1 inches.
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d = 7 inches (7.00282")
c = 22"
A circle with a radius of 6 inches has a circumference of 37.7 inches.
The radius of a circle with a circumference 36 inches is: 5.73 inches.
A circle with a radius of 2.5 inches has a circumference of 15.71 inches.
A circle with a radius of 22 inches has a circumference of 138.23 inches.
circumference of a circle = pie times the diameter = 22/7 x diameter = 22/7 x 7 inches = 22 inches
Circumference = 7*pi which is about 22 inches
d = 7 inches (7.00282")
14 inches diameter x 22/7 = 44 inches circumference.
22/pi = very close to 7 in
c = 22"
circumference=2*pi*r =2*(22/7)*0.25=1.57 inches
If the diameter of a circle is 12 inches the circumference is: 37.7 inches (diameter x pi = circumference).
A circle with a radius of 6 inches has a circumference of 37.7 inches.
The circumference of a circle of 18 inches in diameter is about 56.55 inches.
a circle with circumference of 25.56 inches.