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About 50.27 inches.

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Q: What is the circumference of a circle with a dimeter of 16 in?
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If a circle has a circumference of 16 cm then what is the radius of the circle?

If a circle has a circumference of 16 cm then the radius is about: 2.546 cm

What is the circumference of a circle that is 16 feet wide?

The circumference of a 16-foot circle is 50.24 feet.

What is the circumference of a 16 meter circle?

A circle 16 meters in diameter has a circumference of 16*pi or about 50.26 meters.

What is the circumference of a diameter 49mi circle?

circumference=pi(dimeter)c=pi(49)49pi mior 49 (3.14159265)so 153.93804 miis your answer!youre welcome:]

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 16 km?

The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 16 km is: 50.3 km

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 16 inches?

A circle with a radius of 16 inches has a circumference of 100.53 inches.

What is the circumference of a circle that is 16 mm in diameter?

The circumference of a circle that is 16 mm in diameter is 50.27 mm

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 16 centimeters?

The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 16 centimeters is 50.27 cm

What is the circumference of circle with a diameter of 16 inch?

The circumference of circle with a diameter of 16 inches is: 50.27 inches.

What is is the diameter of a circle whos circumference is 16pie?

What is the diameter of a circle when the circumference is 16 pie

What is the radius of a circle with the circumference of 16?

the circumference of any circle is 2PIr or two times PI(3.14) times the radius (in this case, 16). do the math.

What is the circumference of a circle if diameter is 16 inches?

Circumference = pi*d, so Circumference = 16*pi